January TAST

 Another year means another Take a Stitch Tuesday which is run by Sharon Boggon over at Pintangle. I'll admit here and now that last year my TAST totally fell apart, with everything that went on from March I just didn't have the time or the incentive. Having 3 teenagers suddenly doing schoolwork from home and then a husband being furloughed and being off work for weeks wasn't exactly helpful for relaxing needlecraft!

This year I thought I'd do something different, I wanted something that wasn't exactly a picture as I've done previously but something that I could just do a few stitches each week and it would be a journey through the year. In the crochet world people have been doing a lot of temperature blankets and I thought something similar but on a much much smaller scale would be just the thing.

I decided that each month would be done in colours relating to the weather here in Yorkshire during that month. January has been easy as it's been chilly, grey, rainy but with the odd bit of lovely sun shining on green grass. I put some tiny clear beads around my cloud and in the linked chain stitch for the rain we've had.

So here are January's stitches....

Week 1 was Chain stitch with the beyond TAST being Linked Chain stitch. 

Week 2 was Fly stitch and the beyond TAST was Italian Border stitch

Week 3 was Buttonhole stitch and the beyond TAST was Reversed Buttonhole bar

Week 4 was Stem stitch and the beyond TAST was Portuguese Stem stitch


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