Spring Catch Up

As usual time has flown by here in Yorkshire. One minute we're gearing up for Christmas and before I know it Easter half term has arrived and the kids are at home. Since January I've been busy with different crafting projects. One thing I wanted to make myself was a book cover for a notebook that I could use for all my craft projects and ideas. My husband bought me the Charles Dickens kit from Bothy Threads for Christmas so I couldn't resist starting that on New Years. It didn't take me long to do at all in the long winter evenings. I had so much fun stitching this even if I had to use the aida that came in the kit as none of my favourite fabrics were the right size (I couldn't be bothered to wait for some to arrive as I wanted to start it straight away!) I also took part in an online workshop with Ellie Hipkin who is an amazing textile mixed media artist. After spending a lot of time walking up and down our local fields I wanted to capture some of it on fabric. ...