A Stitch-a-Long Week with Dragons
This week has been hectic thanks to the kids being off school for the Easter break and me having some medical issues. One of the positive parts has been that on Sunday I got to chill out with my stitching whilst my DH took care of our 3 children plus Peter's girlfriend Becky who was with us for the day. On Saturday night my 2 boys had their presentation at Sheffield Dragons to collect their new karate belts. Luke our Little Dragon collected his green stripe belt. And Peter our Junior Dragon got awarded his green belt. Stitching My SALs have been going great guns lately. As some of you know last year I joined the Beau Bands SAL with my yahoo group Friendly Stitchers . This was designed by Abi Gurden and is no longer available. But I finally finished my Beau Bands this weekend on my lovely Sunday stitching day. Here is the stitching all completed...now I just have to make it up into the hussif. I've also managed to catch up on my Tree of Stitches and my Little Lace Hardan...