
Showing posts from October, 2009

Christmas SAL

A while ago I signed up to do a Christmas SAL from a blog I read. Carole (whose blog it is) put the colours as either blue or multicoloured. I was going to do it in blue but then changed my mind after I decided to stitch it for my daughter Darcy. Darcy had her first christmas last year but it didn't go well at all. First my grandad was in hospital (he died between Christmas and New Years), our youngest son Luke was very ill over the period and on Boxing Day I fell in the carpark of Sheffield Children's Hospital and broke my hand...didn't know this until 10days later when I finally went to Casualty to have it checked out! So poor Darcy didn't have the best time, I've decided that this year as she's nearly 2 we'll pull out all the stops for her. This SAL i've done in shades of purple and in the circles am going to put her name and this years date. Then it can be hung up for her.

A Stitch A Week

Being confined to bed for the last 2 days by DH I've finally managed to finish week 42 of my A Stitch A Week SAL. Week 42 was a little mouse collecting berries, instead of blackberries (as they'd been week 41s subject) I decided red berries and did these in smyrna stitch. Week 43 completed today I loved as it was autumn leaves with acorns. My 2 young sons are loving autumn and running through the leaves, even DD voluntarily got out of her pram to run through the leaves last week in Clumber Park. Still have the centre panel to do but I've all the silks out ready for it...wonder if DH will give me another day in bed? LOL!! Can't believe there's only another 9 weeks before this SAL is completed, really enjoying stitching this and working all the different stitches. Thank you to everyone who takes time to read my blog and leave comments. I spend many hours reading other peoples blogs, I leave comments as much as I can and love looking at what everyone has been stitchin...

October Calendar

We're more than halfway through October and here I am only just putting my calendar square on...where has the time gone? The garden is a mass of leaves much to my boys delight and every day I wrap Darcy up just a little bit least she keeps her hat on now that the boys are wearing theirs! I don't mind autumn so much as its great for walking (as long as its not windy..not fond of the wind) and it reminds me that soon I'll get lots of stitching time as it'll be too cold to be out for very long. Methinks this year I'll put a daylight lamp on my Xmas wish list for DH :-)

Small Finish

Well I think I'm finally on a roll with 3 finishes in a few weeks. This time it's a square for my Quilts for Breast Cancer group. The theme for this one was the beach and I chose this one as it's so bright and cheerful that it reminds me of summer...what little we had! The design came from the book Cross Stitch By The Sea by Ursula Michael. First came across this book in our local library and loved it that much that I got my own copy so the library could finally have their own back.

Jane Austin Finish

After finally finishing my Oriental Longevity square I decided to stitch something for me. Literary Little #1 Mr Darcy by The Sampler Girl. DH laughed when he read it...said it was true, CHEEK!! LOL Stitched on 32ct Antique linen that I found in the bottom of my stash box then framed myself today after finding just the right frame, it will sit in our bedroom on the new dressing table when its here (very soon now..yippee as our wardrobe is falling to bits more each day). Unfortunately my camera and the lighting in our lounge hasn't helped the photograph, it looks wrinkled in the frame, its not, David Bailey I'm not!!