
Showing posts from April, 2021

March TAST

 Take a Stitch Tuesday this month has some well known stitches in it. I've used some of them over the years as border stitches and over joins on crazy quilting. The weather in March has been very unusual. We started off the month with dreary skies and heavy winds before it suddenly changed to wonderful blue skies, the sun shining and the flowers starting to pop through the ground. Yesterday on the last day in March we even hit 21° it felt absolutely wonderful...of course today being the 1st April and a bank holiday weekend here in the UK we're back to grey skies and drizzle 🙄 So here is my slice of pie for March.... Week 9 - Couching Week 10 - Chevron Stitch Week 11 - French Knots Week 12 - Cretan Stitch

Meadow Blanket - The End

 Can you believe we're at the end of the crochet along? This colours were all the beautiful muted pastels that I have totally fell in love with for the last few weeks. I'm making a note of the colours of my favourites so that I can buy them again for something else...although the scraps from this blanket will go towards my Stashbuster .  The end of Part 6 and my blanket has all the stripes done. Next was Part 7 - the borde r, this usually takes me ages to do but as I was on a deadline I made a concerted effort to not pick up anything else until it was done. I wanted to get the blanket all finished, washed and posted down to my wonderful Mother-in-law as a surprise for her birthday which was very near Mothers day.  I've really enjoyed crocheting this blanket, the pattern looks great and is deceptively easy once you get into the rhythm. I posted it down to my Mother-in-law and she loved it..phew! If you fancy making your own Meadow Blanket Lucy at Attic24 keeps the pattern...