
Showing posts from January, 2016

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Well last year definitely finished with a fizzle rather than a bang. As our daughter Darcy was taken in to Sheffield Childrens Hospital on 30th September and spent weeks there only to be allowed out as long as she visited between 3-5 days a week until December I didn't get time to do much of anything. I did however finally finish DH's Cruising the Information Highway by Randal Spangler...yes you read that right, he's finally finished after nearly 2 years. Cruising the Information Highway by Randal Spangler 25ct 1 x 1 I did try and put some stitches into my HAED Storykeep called Courage which is for Peter, didn't end up doing a lot though but here it is so far. My next big  HAED project is called Smiles in my Cup and was all kitted up by the middle of December ready for starting at the beginning of January.  I just couldn't resist it when I saw it on the HAED site! I did put a few stitches in on my Kings and Queens but not as many as I'd hop...