
Showing posts from December, 2012

Another Year Has Flown

Can you believe we're at the end of 2012 already? As a lot of you know I spent most of the year working on the Bothy Threads Cut Thru "Noah's Ark", this kit definitely tested my patience as the Supertwist thread used in it was horrendous to work with....but here it is finished on Friday night around midnight. Bothy Threads Cut Thru Noah's Ark Stitched on 28ct Sunny Skies by Sparklies Altogether this year I managed to complete over 22 projects which I'm pretty pleased with. I've a list of projects I'd like to complete in 2013 all ready so fingers crossed I'll get some of them done as well. Here are some of my finishes.. At the start of 2012 my vase was empty and all ready for my orts, here's what it looks like tonight after a years stitching. The only orts not in the vase are my ATW and CITA as they have their own bags. It wouldn't be a fitting end of the year without a couple of photos courtesy of my husband Tony. He's g...

The North Wind Blows

And it's certainly blowing here in Yorkshire at the minute, winter has arrived with a blast of arctic air that for my husband means fantastic photographs but for us means being cold when we're outside on school runs! Here's my finish of LHNs "The North Wind Blows"  It's stitched on Snowy Skies fabric by Sparklies and was a dream to stitch on .This was such a fun stitch even if the frog did visit whilst doing the border!  I ran out of the brown for the edges as well, only 6 stitches from the end which frustrated me immensely. The worst thing was I bought the wrong thread twice before finally remembering the correct number to finish it off LOL!  I'm now going to buy a lovely frame that I've seen in a local shop and have it hung in our bedroom. Yes you're eyes are working, Noah has another page finished. Managed to finish page 8 in-between school concerts, Christmas dinners and after school classes. Looking forward to Christmas so I get to ...