
Showing posts from May, 2012

May is Here

May is here and I've not accomplished that much stitching wise since my last post as I've been too exhausted by the time the kids have gone to bed. I have worked a bit on my Noah's Ark, I didn't like the way the sea looked at the bottom of page 2 so frogged it all and started it again. Page 3 is nearly completed...the bit with the sparkly rainbow. Noah's Ark by Bothy Threads I started the Wise Guy Duck for my DD. I don't stitch much with aida anymore so replaced it with some 28ct blue that I had lying around. She loves watching it grow and can't wait until it's done. Wise Guy Ducks Here's where my CITA stands so far, as you can see I've still not completed part 4 but am getting nearer. I had to frog the central urn a few times as I was a stitch out...can you believe the bit that got me frustrated was plain cross stitch LOL!  I have got the threads for the new Papillion Creations SAL Around the World in 80 Stitches but haven't g...