
Showing posts from November, 2014

Autumn Has Arrived

Autumn has definitely arrived here in Yorkshire, we've gone from wonderful hot weather to gale force winds, torrential rain and cold spells. On the good side though it's wonderful running through the leaves with the kids and DH has got some amazing autumnal photos, I do love the colours in autumn. October has been especially busy for us here, we've had swim assessments, Scouts, Rainbows, Taekwondo classes, gradings and competitions as well as the usual school and family commitments. Craft wise I've not done as much as usual due to being so tired some nights my eyes have drooped badly but needles have been put to fabric and/or wool so here we go... Big cheer from DH as another page has been completed on Cruising the Information Highway, the cars radiator gave me the most trouble as it was mostly confetti stitches and drove me crazy LOL! Cruising The Information Highway by Randal Spanger Heaven & Earth Designs  Stitched on 25ct 1 over 1 close up of the r...