Kings and Queens - Henry I
Henry I is all finished on my project. Must admit that I groaned when I noticed this monarch had gold as I'm not a fan of metallic threads but the thread in this project stitched up beautifully...hurray! Bothy Threads - Kings and Queens Henry was born in England in 1068 or 1069, the fourth son of William the Conqueror. When Henry's elder brother became king another elder brother had died and left only Robert and Henry as the heirs. When William was killed in a hunting accident in August 1100 Henry had himself crowned a few days later, taking advantage of Robert's absence on crusade. Robert invaded England in 1101 but relinquished his claim in return for Henry's territories in Normandy. This peace didn't last long and Henry invaded Normandy and in 1106 he captured Robert and held him prisoner for life. Henry's only legitimate son, William, died in a shipwreck in November 1120. This left Henry without another legitimate male heir despite remarrying in or...