A Bit of This & a Bit of That!
I've taken part in a couple of exchanges during January. The first was with my Facebook Group and was for an ATC (Artists Trading Card). This is what I sent to my partner Sue This is what I received from my partner Pauline The second was with my Yahoo stitching group Friendly Stitchers and was for a Spring Biscornu. This is what I sent my partner Sheila Chart for the Speciality stitch version found here Chart for the Cross stitch version found here I had a bit of an ornament thing going in December and this is what I made just before Christmas.... Chart for the Noel dangly can be found here During January I've had to re-dye my son Peter's karate Gi as the red was completely faded. As I'd got some 28ct white evenweave just hanging around doing nothing I took a couple of teaspoons of the dye before tipping the rest into the washing machine with Peter's Gi. This is the result of me having a morning with no kids and some dye .......