Believe...and it shall be finished!

This week I finished a small project I'd been working on for our daughter Darcy titled "Believe". I've stitched it on a lovely 32ct hand dye called Summer Skies by Sparklies. I'm pleased with how it turned out and I have some more hand dye from Sparklies to do the sister design called "Hope"

I've also managed to complete one of my Christmas wall quilt squares, this one is just Merry Christmas. I've done a snowman, this one and have nearly finished a tree. The fourth one will either be a stocking or a present...I just can't decide at the minute.

I'm still not caught up on my Christmas SAL, have part 9 to do. I completed weeks 44 and 45 on my A Stitch A Week SAL which I'm pleased with (2 weeks behind on that now) I decided to do week 45s design of an umbrella for week 44 and instead of cross stitch I used some hand dyed thread and did pattern darning, for the raindrops I used beads. Week 45 fell on Remembrance Sunday so I stitched a poppy in remembrance of my grandad who served in the Navy during WW2.

What am I working on now....I'm halfway through a square for the QFBC then I want to catch up on my SALS before starting the Hope project. DH is buying me a Lowery frame for Christmas so when that arrives I'll be able to start on my photostitch properly...can't wait :-) and I've another 2 squares for QFBC so need to pick up so more fabric as I've the designs all picked out.


  1. Believe is so pretty? Where is the design from? Your Merry Christmas is cute, and it's so neat you did a square in honor of your dad. :)

  2. oops that first one was supposed to be a ! not a ? lol

  3. I love that believe one it is beutiful! Your stitching is wonderful :)

  4. I think it is neat that you did the square in memory of a soldier, namely your grandad. I did a Soldier Memorial picture earlier this year in memory of a soldier who died in Iraqi war. I love your believe and Merry Christmas, especially, but all your stitching is beautiful! Congrats on the finishes. Your SAL is coming along great!

  5. Believe looks great! Love all the stitching!

  6. Great stitching! Love the fabric you did "Believe" on.

  7. Believe is just adorable, Jo. Great stitching on everything!

  8. Believe is beautiful! Congrats on the finish. Your SAL is coming along great.

  9. Look forward to seeing them in person soon, they look great!
    Hugs xx

  10. That is so cute.


  11. Great stitching, thank you for sharing!

  12. Believe is very pretty, I've seen the whole thing stitched on someones blog and I loved it. Thought I should do it for my granddaughter and then remembered I am already doing a stocking and a Mandala for her!! She can't totally take over my stitching!!

  13. I love that believe. Whose the maker of that design, I think you just enabled me,lol.

  14. What a gorgeous finish jo - loving the colours you chose.

  15. Congrats on your Believe finish. Very pretty.

  16. Believe is so pretty! Great work on your SAL.

  17. I just love all of your do beautiful work. I also love your Blog too. The pictures are great.

    I am now one of your followers. I too have a Blog.

    Take care & Happy Stitching
    Linda K from ILCS


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