A Dark Side Finish

I've finally had a finish...yay!  I try and make something for DH every year and for Father's Day I made him a small design based on Darth Vader from Star Wars. The men in our house are BIG Star Wars fans and the boys call their dad Vader so thought this was apt.
Darth Vader

Must admit in June I didn't do that much work on my HAED, in fact not a lot of stitching some weeks. But here's where I'm at with my HAED...
Cruising the Information Highway by Randal Spangler

And here's my Blackwork Butterfly, finally did the outline for the second wing and started filling in....

I have got a new chart, this one I couldn't resist. Anyone who knows me will know that I adore Jane Austen and my all time favourite is Pride & Prejudice. Brooke's Books has a new design that I just couldn't resist. It's called "The Darcy's"  I may save it and take it up to Scotland as my holiday project, if I can resist starting it that long. 

And if you've been following Brooke's stitchers alphabet then you'll know that Z has been released. If you've never seen them then pop along to her website and have a look. There are some fantastic designs on there for all levels of stitchers.

Hope everyone is having lovely weather and getting lots of stitching done xxx


  1. just love that darth vader and well done on the haed and the butterfly is looking fantastic and what a cute design from Brooke ... hope you manage to resist ...lol love mouse xxxxx

  2. Congrats on finishing the Darth Vader design - I've been wanting to start that for ages (and the "we have cookies" version too). It's great to see it all stitched up :-)


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