Around the World in 80 Stitches

This week part 12 came out of Papillon Creations SAL "Around the World in 80 Stitches"  Couldn't wait to get working on it and I managed to complete the part before the kids broke up from school for the week.  Here's my version

As you can see I decided to do the speciality stitch version, my favourite for this part was the Dunstan Stitch.

If you want to join in the SAL please click Papillon Creations and it will take you straight there. Yvonne also does a cross stitch version for those who prefer it.


  1. Wow, well done! This is an amazing project (have the charts, not started yet...)

  2. Looks fabulous. I have actually started mine now.

  3. Just beautiful!! I love your color choices!! I have all the pieces too, just finding the time to get started is my issue. You inspire me!! *hugs*


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