New Start for a new year

A couple of the projects I've been working on since New Years

Cruising The Information Highway by Randal Spangler (HAED)
Stitched 1 over 1 on 25ct

Around the World in 80 Stitches - parts 1-5
(Papillion Creations)

Mary Wigham SAL

The last 2 projects I work mainly in-hand and I don't like ironing my work until it's all completed and ready to be framed, hence the creases.  Working on an exchange piece now which I'm really enjoying.

Happy stitching, Jo x


  1. Great progress on all your pieces.


  2. Deep sigh, I wish I lived nearer so we could stitch together and you could encourage me to pick up poor Mary! Everything looking great, though! "see" you Wednesday!

  3. They're all great WIPs - but 80 Stitches is particularly fascinating.

  4. Nice WIPs. Love the Mary Wigham SAL.
    Happy Stitching


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