Yes don't faint but my French Postcard SAL is finished at long last! It's taken me over a year but DS1 is thrilled that the actual stitching is finally done. Now I've just got to put it together, DS1 wants it as a wall hanging in his room. There is a January but a lot of the stitching is in white so hard to see.

Another big finish for me is The Great Escape. The last part came out Friday 1st June which was 1 day before our holiday...managed to get it all stitched up before we went away Saturday morning. Took it with me and DH took the photo for me, this one has definitely turned into one of my favourites and DH loved taking photos of it.

If you fancy having a go at making your own Great Escape the design will soon be for sale on

Can you believe another finish as well...this time it's Wise Guy Ducks for our DD who is mad on "duckies"

Now I've a couple of projects done I can concentrate on my Noah's Ark and my Papillion Creations SALs. Yes CITA is still a WIP and I've also started's a photo of the latter one's part 1 halfway through.

To finish here's a couple of my favourite photos from our holiday down in Kent. DH had a lot of fun on the beach with his camera, even got some of DS1 on the beach in his karate gi practising his kata's at 7.30am in the morning!!

As you've already noticed the background on my blog has again changed...this is one of DH's photographs of the beach at Botany Bay in Kent where we were staying.


  1. Congrats on all of the finishes!! Your needles have been on FIRE. Postacrds is gorgeous. Your Owl is beautiful. And Wise Guy is too darn cute for words.

    Sounds like the holiday was much deserved and well needed :)

  2. ohhh well done on the postcard sal finish... can't wait to see it up and I love the wise guys too :)
    love the photos of you wee one practising .. shows great commitment to his hobby :)
    love mouse xxxx

  3. Yay!! Happy Dancing for all your finishes! Postcards looks wonderful! No wonder DS 2 is thrilled. TGE is lovely! Duckies is so cute! Your DD is so lucky! Thanks for sharing!

    Melissa J.

  4. Well done Jo you are putting me to shame! Love your postcards and the duckies too they always make me smile when I see them! Botany Bay looks glorious too - lovely photo Tony! Hugs, Ally xx

  5. what gorgeous stitching! Your TGE is really lovely! And the postcards are beautiful!

  6. Congrats on all your finishes. Nice shots of the beach as well as your son.

  7. Love the French Post Cards. Great stitching. /Botany Bay is a pretty scene.
    love all of the other stitching too.

  8. Wunderschöne Stickereien.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  9. Love all your finishes and also love the photos of your holiday

  10. I love the ducks! Congrats on finishing!

  11. WOW you have managed to get a lot accomplished. The postcard SAL is lovely, WOL is a handsome fellow, nicely done, I love the ducks !! Your ATW 80 is coming along nicely. The beach looks lovely, wish I was there. Good pics of your son.

  12. Oh, your postcard sal is gorgeous - congrats on it's and the other finishes!

  13. Beautiful finishes! And great pictures too.

  14. Congratulations on your finishes Jo, they are all beautiful!

  15. Beautiful Stitches! Congratulation on your finishes!

  16. Terrific finishes.


  17. Wow! Congrats on all your finishes, Jo. Love the photos of your DS practicing. :)

  18. Congrats on your finishes! Great Escape looks like it has some really interesting stitches in it.

    - Lisa N. in Cambodia

  19. Your finishes are wonderful. Congratulations!
    Mary in NC

  20. Great stitching love Postcard love the photos of DS my two used to do Tai Kwon Do I uses to love watching their Master when he did routines it was fabulous.

  21. Wow! Your stitching is all so lovely! You've been a busy girl for sure!

  22. The postcard sampler is gorgeous!


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