The Time is Flying By..

I can't believe August is over and we're nearly at the end of October already, it doesn't seem like 2 minutes ago since the kids went back to school and they're already half way through the term.

I took part in an Autumn Exchange with my Facebook group, Carla sent to me (in previous post) and this is what I sent to Kim. The scissor fob design is from the 2009 A Stitch A Week SAL from Friendly Stitchers.

And here a few other projects I've been working on in the last month...

Snow Buddy
Designed by Carla Rizzie
there are 12 of these little guys.

On Tuesday mornings I go to our local library where they have a cross stitch club. I've started taking my Mary Wigham sampler so that at least once a week she gets some work done on her. This is the progress so far...
Mary Wigham SAL

The Great Escape
designed by Abi Gurden
(The Stitch Specialists)

Purple Belt Dragon
small present for DS1 after passing his grading for his purple karate belt

Last but definitely no means least...don't faint but I finished another UFO!  This is the latest one finished, an All Our Yesterdays.  My yahoo group Friendly Stitchers had a poll on the 2011 UFO finishes and I came in 3rd behind DJ and Meg who were well deserved winners.  This is what I was sent by the Mods of Friendly Stitchers...
All Our Yesterdays UFO
2011 Wet Noodle Award - 3rd Place
(Friendly Stitchers)


  1. Congrats on your 3rd place Jo, nice prize!
    All Our Yesterdays is cute. TGE is coming on nicely, love that fabric, whose is it? I'm going to have to look out for fabric when I come to Harrogate in November, I'm going on my birthday so think I should be able to treat myself don't you!! Is the snow buddy going to be ornaments or will you fill in the spaces??

  2. Great stitching and prizes. Really like the sampler SAL.

  3. Thanks SueT. The snow buddies will all be stitched on the blue aida and I'll put something at the bottom, it'll go onto my quilt. The fabric for TGE is from a stall in Harrogate, can't remember which company tho:-(

  4. Well done on coming third! Love the fabric - swirly blue - for that SAL, sorry forgot name of it! Oh Mary, where art thou, lol? In the stitching basket, alas! Your Mary is coming on a treat!

  5. I love the wet noodle award, Jo. Everything looks great. I especially like the floss colors. Is pink your fave color? And grats on finishing up your UFO. That's awesome news. And I can't believe how late it is in the year either. It's amazing how fast the time flies... I love your other stitching too. Ornie is cute, and I love the purple belted dragon. He's darling. MW looks good, and your TGE is fabulous!!! I love that fabby. (I know I've told you that before, but still... It bears repeating, lol.

  6. Love your stitching. Mary is coming along nicely.

  7. Gee, Jo...Look at all you've been getting done! I love them all...and actually have a couple of these in my stash to do pile!! Love your fabric choice for the great escape!! All our yesterdays is just TOO CUTE!! Time is sure flying by! *Hugs*

  8. Well done Jo lovely finishes and great progress.


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