One Happy Son

Yes we've a happy DS2 as now that the Darcy photostitch is finally finished I've started on his dragon. Here is Darcy all stitched up, she just needs sending to be framed now.

Luke's dragon is from a book by Lesley Teare. It's stitched on red which at first I was unsure of as I'd tons of plain already in my stash but he wanted red. Over the last few months I've been picking up the threads and fabrics for it. I started it Saturday evening when Luke had gone to bed, the following morning he went downstairs and saw it on my Lowery with some stitches done...we could hear the screams of excitement everywhere in the house LOL!  Now he checks every morning to see how much I've stitched....heaven forbid I want to catch up on my SAL's!  This is what it's going to look like finished 

And this is my progress so far - not a lot for 3 nights work but I've enjoyed working on it. Makes a change from the skin tones of Darcy anyway!!

I'm also working on a small gift for my son...or should that be on behalf of my son as he picked the design he wants stitching for his girlfriend. Yes you read that right, our 6yr old DS1 has had a girlfriend for the last few terms at school. She's absolutely lovely and as I've told DH at 6 it's so innocent that it's sweet.

DD will be going to full time nursery after the Easter break so I'll have 2 1/2 days of freedom :-)  I can see housework getting done super fast and some extra stitching on MY projects being snuck in *happy sigh*  All I need now is DS1 to see a project that he absolutely must have stitched for him LOL!

Thank you for all your lovely comments, it has cheered me up immensely after the last horrible couple of months I've been having. Happy stitching xx


  1. Darcy is beautiful - well done ... and I am also a dragon lover !

  2. Darcy's photostitch is just beautiful. That dragon looks big, can't wait to see more on it.

  3. Darcy stitch is beautiful. Dragon progress is coming along. Yeah, my son has a gf too.

  4. I really don't know how you did it, Jo, it would have sent me even quicker than I am going to the home for the bewildered! Well done! Hope things improve however they need to now that spring is here.

  5. ooo it is soo lovely :) and well done on starting the dragon too love him :) and well sweet the photo of the two of them .. I remember those days well my bf was called peter back then at that tender age .. love mouse xxxx

  6. Absolutely lovely Jo - well done! My first bf at school was Jack - ah the sweet memories!! Enjoy it while it lasts before the serious stuff starts (you've got bags of time yet there petal!!) Dragon is looking good - I'm a fan as you know. Will you be bringing it up to Southerness with you? Hugs, Ally xx

  7. WOW Darcy is positively stunning! You did a fantastic job! The dragon looks wonderful and you have a great start on it.

    Aww that is so cute that your son has a girlfriend. They look very sweet in that picture :)

  8. I love how your Darcy photostitch turned out. Can you contact me I would like to know more about it.
    Thank you

  9. Jo Darcy is really lovely, can hardly wait to see your progress on the dragon.

    Mary Louise

  10. LOL, a GF at 6yrs old? How cute.

    Congrats on finishing Darcy. It turned out fabulous. (I remember when you started it!)

    The dragon piece is going to be awesome.

  11. Congrats on getting Darcy done, she really is lovely!!! And the dragon will be stunning and such a change of pace from your fresh finish!


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