Stitching Bits & Bobs

I've not spent a lot of time stitching since my last post due to commitments with the children, end of school term and all that entails. By the time we've finally got them settled in bed and eaten I've just about collapsed on the sofa to watch the news then bed....the joys of parenthood! I do have some stitching to show you though, mostly gifts, exchanges and bits of my SALs. I have been working on a couple of other small projects but can't show them as they're for a very special item for a very special person.

Recently I joined in on a biscornu exchange with one of my Yahoo groups. This is the biscornu I sent Susan

This is the biscornu that I received from Carla in the same exchange, my DD took a great liking for!

Finally here is a photograph of the Spring Needleroll I sent Ally in the May Day exchange with my yahoo group Friendly Stitchers.  I knew I'd taken a photograph but couldn't remember where I'd put it...duh!  It was my first design in the Seasons Needleroll series. I'm a bit behind with summer, design is done but I haven't dyed the fabric and stitched it yet.

Next up is the biscornu I stitched for DS1s teacher as a thank you present at the end of the term. He did want the Bee Happy humbug designed by Val of Friendly Stitchers at first but after seeing the Back to School biscornu freebie from Faby Reilly he changed his mind. This was then a rush job so I stayed up until the wee hours on the Thursday night finishing it before he finished the term on the Friday.  He told me what he wanted stitching on the back....and he said his teacher Mrs Hackett loved it. He'll really miss her next term as he's in Yr2 now as he loved her class.

Next are the 2 coffee designs I made for DH for our anniversary. Spot of Coffee he saw me stitching but Irish Coffee (a free design from Tanya) he didn't know anything about. Luckily I had enough of the fabric for both of them and managed to get matching frames. These will be hung in his computer corner in our lounge.

This is my progress so far on my Darcy project. I've very nearly finished the first page, luckily the second page isn't as detailed and not as big...whew! Although I enjoy stitching on it I'm looking forward to working on another big project soon....DS2s Dragon, I promised him and I've got nearly all the threads for it now.

SAL Progress
I'm slowly catching up on my sals and here are some of my progress pictures:

Inky Dinky SAL by SANMAN

I've done January to May on my Inky Dinky SAL by Sanman. Just love these little snowmen, they only take an hour to stitch up and are very relaxing to do.

Kaliedoscope Snow Checkers
designed by Carla D Rizzie
This is my progress so far on my Snow Checkers board, you can't see properly due to the camera settings but I'm stitching it on some marble blue aida that I had in my stash. I work on it when DS1 is in his karate lessons on Monday and Tuesday nights (can't work on it any other lessons as DS2 & DD are with me).

Beau Bands SAL designed by Abi
Exclusively for Friendly Stitchers Group

I've actually got some progress done on my Beau Bands SAL, now onto band 28. Hoping to do some of this whilst on holiday in Scotland but who knows. I'm on the last part of the design before stitching up into a hussif. I put this down to work on my Darcy photostitch for a few weeks, then exchanges and gifts got in the way but I picked it up this week and so enjoyed stitching on it that I couldn't put it down so completed 2 bands in 1 night before bed beckoned.

Postcard SAL designed by Maryse

I'm really behind on this SAL, we're in August now and I've only done up to March...eek. It's turned into a UFO at the moment, determined to work more on it when Darcy is finished.
 Stash Buying
Wimble Bees are closing down and they sent me an email....I just had to open it and read it didn't I!!  I managed to get a couple of bargains and also got the metallic thread for DS2s Dragon project. After getting advice on which to go for, the recommended Kreinik #4 thread or DMC Light Effects I went for the Kreinik.  These are the 2 charts I bought, the  Passione Ricamo one Galatea I've wanted for ages and the Lizzie Kate Coffee Crazy I couldn't resist for DH.

Holiday Stitching
This summer we're off to Scotland for a week, obviously before I even thought about packing our clothes I spent ages deciding what sttiching to take...well you have to get your priorities right don't you? LOL!  I've finally got the right fabric for She Sells Seashells that Abi from Friendly Stitchers sent me in an exchange. I've had fabric for it 3 times now but didn't feel it fitted the design properly, in the end I went with the recommended fabric and bought some Lambswool from 123Stitch. Abi sent along all the Crescent Colours that go with the design and I've got the DMC that go with it...can't wait to start it.
She Sells Seashells by Country Cottage Kids
I'm also taking my Beau Bands SAL with me, don't know how much stitching I'll get done this holiday but as I won't be spending most of the day driving I may get some 'me' time. DH is taking his camera (surprise surprise!!) and the area says it has fantastic sunsets so no doubt some nights he'll be off shooting somewhere.

The best part of my holiday will be hopefully meeting up with some stitching friends from Friendly Stitchers, Ally and Maureen. It'll be lovely to put a face to a name, we're hoping to meet up on the Saturday at Maureens in Ayr (must remember Satnav!!) so DH will have kids while I get a day of stitching, chatting and fun :-)  So far I've only met Mouse who lives not far from me, I called in one day after dropping the 2 youngest off at my mums for the day and had a lovely time. She's a wonderful lady and her stitching is awesome, puts mine to shame really.

A photo of my TUSAL jar up to todays date, methinks I may need a bigger vase!!


  1. Hi Jo! Love your stitching!! Darcy is really coming along, love this picture, she's going to be gorgeous when she's done. I like your Sanman SAL too, so cute...I love snowmen, where did you find the pattern? All your pieces are lovely! I hope you have a great vacation in Scotland, take loads of pics! Have fun meeting up with the ladies, should be loads of fun! We'll miss you while you're away. *Hugs*

  2. Wow! Lots of stitchy updates. They all look great. I hope you enjoy your vacation.

  3. Huge update!! I thought maybe I was scrolling through several! LOL All the exchanges and gifts are lovely. Darcy is looking great too. Have fun on holiday!

  4. Some lovely work there - especially biscornos - erm !! it was me who designed the 'Bee happy Humbug' I designed it with Abi in mind :)

  5. Hello Jo,
    Really nice stitching, you have really been busy. I am going to attempt my first biscornu for an exchange. Hope it comes out OK my thing is the finishing:) Guess we'll see how it goes.

  6. Great stitching! You've been busy!

  7. WoW! That was a whopper of a stitchy update. Everything looks fantastic.


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