Too Little Time to Stitch

I've not had much time to stitch in the last month but what little time I have had the needles have been out. As some of you know we've had a few problems with DS2 but after getting help we're now on the right track so fingers crossed I'll get more time to sit stitching.

 Here's the progress so far on my Darcy photostitch. I'm now over halfway there and she seems to be growing fast now.

This is a small biscornu I made designed by Carla Rizzie. I used pale green linen with hand dyed threads and beads for the centre and around. It's really tiny when you see it in real life.

I recently took part in the May Day Exchange with my stitching group Friendly Stitchers. This is a photo of what I received from Ally. A beautiful card as well as a lovely tin containing tiny scissors, stitch unpick, 2 gold needles and some wonderful threads that I'm saving for a sampler I want to do later in the year.  This has so come in handy when I'm sat waiting for DS1 to finish his karate classes, I sit stitching while he does his martial arts...heaven!

DH also bought me Jane Greenoffs new program iStitch (which is brilliant) so I've also been playing on that. I designed a small simple biscornu for a friend who had never done one before. I made the back the same as the front as it's her first one, you could just put the small flowers on the back instead.
I'm also working on my UFO on Thursday nights, my Beau Bands sampler when I can find time and I'm in the middle of stitching a couple of biscornus. One is for another exchange with Friendly Stitchers, this time it's on the theme of lavender.  I've also got everything ready to stitch "A Spot of Coffee" for DH as he survives by drinking as much coffee as possible during his busy days at work.

My book challenge is going well, I picked up a new audio book today. Skeleton Coast by Clive Cussler, I love his books and at least I can listen whilst stitching. Have to say though my 5yr old is outshining me on the challenge, he's now up to 39 books and his last one was quite thick. We went to the library this morning after his karate lesson to pick another book for him, this time it's Horrible Henry, he's already read the first 4 pages to me tonight. I don't count any books he reads unless he's either read them to me or to his teacher at school but they seem to give him easier books than I do!!

Back to the needles and my lovely book, thank you for your lovely comments, they really keep me going when I'm feeling down.


  1. It Looks Fabulous!!! Can't wait to see the finished product. I reckon it will look great framed when it's done. xxxx mum

  2. Darcy is looking so pretty. Can't believe how real life it looks.
    The biscornu is cute too :)

  3. Pretty biscornu. Your Darcy photostitch looks fabulous!

  4. The "Darcy" picture is coming along nicely. It looks like a fun one to stitch. And may I say how much I like the photo at the top of your blog. How cute! Wanda in Edmonton

  5. Darcy looks adorable! I can't wait to see her finished!!

    - Lisa N.

  6. Wow, Woman! Look at you go!! Darcy is coming along nicely (and they do grow fast, in reality and on fabric! LOL) It's a lovely pattern, the designers did a great job! Great job with the designing you did yourself! I'm envious as I would love to start designing...good on you! It's good to hear your son is having a good time son is like that too. He'll soon be telling you things you never knew before so try to keep up LOL *Hugs*

  7. How wonderfull works. Looks sweety

  8. Wow, the Darcy photostitch looks wonderful! And your biscornu is so cute!

  9. Darcy looks fantastic! Cute biscornu.

  10. Darcy photostitch is looking absolutely AWESOME! Congrats on your progress!

  11. Darcy looks great. The biscornu is so cute and tiny!

  12. Even without stitching time you're really coming along on projects.

  13. Darcy's photo stitch is just lovely. Could you tell me where you got it? I would like to have one done and I like what they did with this one. Just contact me at my blog
    Your stitching is just wonderful I really enjoy your blog and come here often.
    Thanks for your time.
    God Bless ~

  14. Thanks Jo I will look into that. I do have one of those kits around here somewhere. I will see what I can find out from the LNS around here. Unfortunately, it is a very small one.
    Take care and good luck on that gorgeous Darcy piece.
    God Bless ~

  15. Wow you're Darcy photostitch is really coming along now looks fab :) can't wait to see it all finished xxx

  16. Darcy Looks amazing. I love it

  17. Darcy is looking fabulous. That's going to be a stunning piece when it's completed.

    I like the biscornu design, very pretty.


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