Not 1 but 2 Blog Awards

I'm so thrilled, I've been given not 1 but 2 blog awards in the last week, it's such an honour.  The first is from Gillie and is the Beautiful Blogger Award.

Simple rules

1. Accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Put the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself others might not know
6. Pass the award on to 10 others

So here are the 10 things about myself that others may not know......

1.   Craft wise knitting was once my first love until stitching took over my life
2.   I'm a big fan of old fashioned musicals i.e. Deanna Durbin, Doris Day, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly etc
3.   I've lived in 20 houses since I was born
4.   I don't like red or rose wine, it's white all the way for me
5.   Although DH is an amateur photographer I hate having my photo taken
6.   I was told at 21 I wouldn't be able to have children (we now have 3!)
7.   I once dressed as a rat to promote Sheffield Goes Wild in the 90's
8.   I wanted to name our sons after Formula 1 drivers but DH said no
9.   I've always wanted to learn to ride a motorbike
10. I'm naturally left and right handed (came in handy when I broke my right hand Xmas 08!)

The second award is The Sunshine Award from Babs A big thank you to Babs for the honour.
The rules for this award are that this award is for someone who has inspired you in some way...

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3, Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

The hardest part is picking the blogs to award, I read so many wonderful blogs that inspire me not only in stitching but reading and blogging but here are a few of my favourites for both awards.

5.    Marguerite on


  1. Thank you so much! :)
    What an honor.

    And a well deserved one for you as well!

  2. The new look header is brilliant! Mine are so rubbish I shut them down!
    I remember the rat outfit lol (now you reminded me)happy days of yore.

  3. Thank you so much Jo!!

    Claire x

  4. Congratulations on your award and thanks for sharing those links with us!

  5. Thank you for the honor. I am glad you enjoy my blog.

  6. Thank you Jo for the award.... you know I read your blog, but didn't look at who you awarded.

    Thank you for picking me as one to win an award x

  7. Thank you so much Jo. I'm still new at this & look with envy on all the great blogs. Now I have dumb question. How do I get the logos from your blog to mine? I'm sure it's simple but so far I haven't been able to figure it out.

  8. Jo ~
    Congrats on your award you deserve them both. I just wanted you to know that Just One More Stitch is not up anymore. It is now so come by and see my new digs. I had to stop using that first one for some unknown reason so long ago.
    I enjoy your blog and I marvel that you get so much done with three small children.
    Glad your kids are on the mend.
    Your calendar pages are awesome!!! I have never seen that pattern. You do beautiful work.
    God Bless ~


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