Stash It or Stitch It?

This past 2 weeks I've been buying more stash, not much but still more which means my poor stash drawer and box is getting ready to burst. 

I wandered through a local bookshop to find a stitching book that I've never come across and it's so rare to find them in our local bookstores. Firstly it was on SALE
so I couldn't resist and secondly it has a couple of designs in it that I love and can definitely put them on my to-do list.

Then another day I saw 2 charts that I liked the look of so into my shopping basket they went. The first is a snow scene and I'm addicted to snow scenes....much better in stitching than in real life!!  The second is about books which is another love of my life.

Stitching wise I've not been doing too badly, I've worked everynight on my gift SAL so that's coming along; not as fast as I wished but still getting there. On Thursday morning while the kids were in school/nursery I worked on my Darcy photostitch, it's growing very slowly but I can see the boxes filling in. Still not sure about this Easycount gridding but it's definitely easier to find where I am and to put odd stitches in without major counting. There's a photo of my latest progress in the sidebar.  On Saturday night to give myself a rest from the gift SAL I started a new project, a small one that isn't taking long, only the wording to put on now so hopefully I'll finish it this weekend and post a photo next time. 

I've also managed to kit together my threads for the Friendly Stitchers 2010 SAL Beau Bands. It's taken me longer to do that than I planned as I got threads together but couldn't find ribbon to match. I'm working it on blue evenweave that I had in my stash and am using a turquoise selection of colours, just waiting for my blending thread to arrive from Sew and Sew as I've run out of the right colour.

On the plus side I did manage to frame my 2009 Friendly Stitchers A Stitch A Week SAL. Due to snow I couldn't get out to get the equipment but it's done at last. It's stretched over a frame like a painting and will be hung in our lounge (when I've re-decorated in spring!). I'm so pleased with how it's come out, I stitched part of a poem by Rudyard Kipling around the edges as it seemed to fit the theme of an English Country Garden.

A couple of months ago my mum was having a clearout and found an old project of mine that I did years ago. Now I'd completely forgotten about stitching this but mum remembers me doing it. It's one of the All Our Yesterday designs.
Now I've got to try and wake Darcy up as Luke is due out of nursery in half an hour...doesn't time fly when you get peace and quiet? I can't stitch when the kids are all up but while i'm cooking dinner or sat in swimming club I do manage to read some of my book so I'm on book 3 of my Reading Challenge. Peter has read book 2 of his so he's happy, he also moved up another book band in school so we're very proud of him....another lover of books just like his mum!  Happy stitching to all.........


  1. Oh boy do I love "Old Books are Like Old Friends!" That would look marvelous in my library - is it Cricket Collection? I'd love the book number if you care to share.

  2. Can't wait to see this new SAL, it sounds so pretty.

  3. Love your new stash! I love snow scenes too, or anything snow really. lol Your garden finish is gorgeous, and your All Our Yesterdays finish is lovely too!

  4. Good for you, Jo, lots of lovely stuff and stitching. I began and then began again on the BB and like the colour choices much better now!

  5. I love that "Books" design as well.

  6. LOVE the snow design!!!! Rest of the craft fabrics arrived today Hurray!! Some of the darker one's will be great if I run out for filling in on the rug. Louise gave me some 'leather' patches and I've earmarked those for a project later. xx

  7. Hi Jo! Love your new stash, but general concensus is we ALL like the book piece so you're just going to have to tell us how we can get it, lol.
    babs in alabama

  8. Great stitching and nice new stash.

  9. Great finds and great stitching as always :)

  10. Nice new stash ;) The books design is super cute.

  11. Great finds and looking forward to seeing your new SAL.


  12. LOVE LOVE LOVER that English Garden of yours! That is just totally awesome!!

  13. Nice stashing and stitching!

  14. Welldon on your finds :) have to say along with everyone else love the book design, great stitching :) and always nice to find old pieces you don't remember doing, my mum found an old mothers day piece i did for her when i was younger was a nice find xxx

  15. Jo, I do love the way you have used the words from the poem to finish the ASAW SAL it really does set it off ...what a good idea. If you don't mind I will do similar when I actually do finish mine.

    I also love the "Books" design, as I just can't part with any books....yet another type of stash I have.

  16. Jo, I really like your Stitch a Week, and I may have to look for the "book" design myself as we are huge readers in our house. How fun to find an old stitched piece!

  17. Love your pictures! Your SAL is lovely and I love your old project - isn't it awesome she kept it!


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