October Calendar

We're more than halfway through October and here I am only just putting my calendar square on...where has the time gone? The garden is a mass of leaves much to my boys delight and every day I wrap Darcy up just a little bit more...at least she keeps her hat on now that the boys are wearing theirs! I don't mind autumn so much as its great for walking (as long as its not windy..not fond of the wind) and it reminds me that soon I'll get lots of stitching time as it'll be too cold to be out for very long. Methinks this year I'll put a daylight lamp on my Xmas wish list for DH :-)


  1. That looks nice as always. I have a daylight bulb, will bring it over. xx

  2. I love this October piece Jo...don't you love fall colors? I have been able to walk some until it just got too cold this weekend. You put the light on your Christmas list and I'll help you wish for it :)

  3. Very nice October colors! Pretty work...

  4. October is lovely, I love the fall colors.


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