A Stitch A Week SAL

After finishing my Rainy Days project I decided to start on the ASAW Sal at long last. The grid had been finished ages (mostly done sat in the car on the school run!), for the grid I used a mix of DMC green and cream, just 1 strand of each as I liked the combination.

Week 1 For the robin I used DMC threads except for the chest where I used 1 strand of soft cotton. Instead of a french knots I used beads instead. The birdtable in green as it reminded me of some tables I've seen in our neighbours garden.

Week 2 I used brown DMC varieted thread for the branches and then for the pine cones and pine needles I used 1strand of silver blending filament with the varieted and green to give a hint of frost. Stranded cotton for the body and eyes for the owl but some white Wisper thread for the owls face to give him the fluffy look.

Week 3 I used 3 strands of white DMC stranded cotton for the satin snowdrops, the grass, backstitch and stems were all done in 2 strands of DMC stranded cotton.

Week 4 For the house body I used white coton a broder, DMC 310 for the backstitch. The roof was done again in the brown DMC varieted and DMC stranded for the smoke.

Week 5 One of my favourites so far of the motifs and made from Diamond Ray Stitch. Using white perle with some silver blending filament to give the snowflake its frosted look.

Week 6 The snowman is my sons favourite. Gave him a bright orange scarf, black seed beads for his buttons and eyes and his nose is a bright orange bullion knot. I put grass under him as he reminded me of the snowman our neighbours kids made earlier in the year...he lasted a lot longer than the snow on their lawn.

Week 7 The golden daffodils were done in coton a broder again with the same orange from Week 6s snowman and bright green stems to give a lovely spring feel.

Week 8 The catkins have been the most challenging so far. Branches in varieted DMC again. I did bullion knots first to get the length of the catkins then put 2 colours of french knots down them in a variety of sizes to give them body.

Week 9 I did the crocus flowers in Anchor Marlitt and DMC Satin, the stems in the same shade as the grid and the leaves in the same green as the birdtable from Week 1.

Week 10 For this weeks design I did the wellington boots without the dog (DH has pet allergies so no animals for us!) My 3 children all have bright blue wellington boots which have red bottoms which they'd quite happily wear all year round. Couldn't resist making mine in their colours :-)

Well thats the first 10 weeks of the ASAW sal done. Have really enjoyed doing it, the motifs as so cute and I can generally do 1 in an evening while DH on the computer and I'm sat on the sofa. Can't wait to get started on the rest, another 18 weeks to catch up on yet!!! Will keep you all posted on the progress.


  1. Wow, Jo, that's really coming on well! I love the fluffy owl, he came out looking like a fledgeling, sooo cute! :-)
    You'll soon be caught up at this rate - keep up the good work!

  2. Jo ~
    Your ASAW is looking great. I like how you broke it all down in weeks. I think I shall copy you as I have put mine down and only have the first week done. Good idea!
    I have a new blog, that one is not there anymore. It is theflyingitchesneedle.blogspot.com. please come by a see it. Thanks for looking.
    God Bless ~

  3. Great progress Jo - There's a little something for you on my blog - come on over

  4. Hi Jo your ASAW is coming along very nicely looks fab :) im hoping to get started on this myself soon (i know im way behind lol) good luck with the rest

    Lol same as Maureen (oops) theres a little something for you on my blog xx

  5. Congratulations! Pretty work, and you're moving right along, much quicker than I.

  6. Looking good Jo, not bad to say you hated sewing in days of yore!! xxx still love the water pix of Tony's. Would make great framed pix!! xx mum


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